Move your focus from the problems and start thinking about solutions by asking yourself empowering questions.
What is the value that you can bring to other people? How can I start making more money?
What if there is an important lesson I need to learn and it takes a crisis to make me realize it?
What if this relationship came for a reason and a season and now is the right time to close that chapter and take the lessons with me?
What if this crisis presents the biggest chance for me to succeed in life?
How can this failure be my biggest victory?
How can this horrible person that I have met or been in a relationship with be my best teacher?
What is the quality that is trying to be developed here? Is it more flexibility, tolerance, kindness, patience, resilience?
Remember, you can use this method every time you feel stuck, sad, lonely or when you see no way out. Just change your focus from the problems and ask yourself the empowering questions. And answer them! Good luck!